Thursday, April 15, 2010

My fourth letter

I arrived to the apartment later on carrying a list of songs I have decided were my favorite. And there was yet another letter on the table, this time the envelope was green. I opened it up and read:

"Good evening, dear sis!
Considering the fact that you are successfully and quietly completing your tasks, I am rewarding you with a pink Gerber flower," (and there it was on the table).
"By this I am also encouraging you to continue playing the game and hoping you are enjoying it. Tomorrow your day will again be set with small tasks. I know you will have a busy day but I expect you to fulfill your requirements. You will receive further guidelines sometime between morning and evening rehearsal. You will find these in the car - do not forget to take your pair of keys. Before you open the awaiting envelope it is very important to turn the key as much to give the car contact. There will be a set song on the CD player keeping you company as you read the letter. Wait until the song finishes and only then you may leave the car. Be sure to keep your energy level balanced!
Good night!"

As I put my beautiful flower in a vase, I was anxious to hear the song that will play in the car and to receive further information. I had a feeling something big was about to happen soon but had no idea it were to be the most beautiful thing I ever got. But that is still to come in the next blog so keep reading.


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